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  • Kassidy Dunn

Back of Freezer Garlic Bread

Updated: Feb 16, 2022

If you're like us, you love a good side of garlic bread. We love garlic bread in all forms. Knots, sticks, texas toasts, slices, loaves, you name it. If I had to guess, I would think we eat garlic bread with our dinner three times a week. What's a diet, amiright?

After tragically forgetting to pick up one of those beautiful yellow boxes full of garlicy and carby goodness from the store, I decided to use some "forgotten in the freezer" bread to make my own. And boy, was it easy and delicious.

I've listed how I went about this journey below. I let my heart do the measuring so there are no specifics on this recipe. Think of it more as a general guide. I hope you enjoy!

Find your half eaten, almost-freezer-burnt stash of hotdog buns in the back of your freezer. I believe these were from a bbq...last summer...

For this garlic bread, I used garlic, garlic salt, butter, parmesan, and parsley. We got fancy and dehydrated our parsley we grew in the garden last summer. Just call me pioneer woman.

Dump it on the bread. I would probably recommend melting your butter. Whatever else sounds good, throw it on too. It's hard to mess this up. Then bake it. Don't ask me at what temp or how long, because I have no idea. Maybe 350? 400? 5 minutes? 10?

Drumroll please...

The final result is this fluffy melts-in-your-mouth perfection. It was quick, easy, and if I had to guess cheaper than buying a box from the store's freezer.

And we promptly devoured it.


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