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  • Kassidy Dunn

What's In Our Road Trip Snack Box?

Updated: Feb 16, 2022

Before our son turned 3 months old, he had traveled to 6 states. By car. I know, I know we were (are) crazy. We survived on formula, driving through the night while he slept, and the occasional diaper change. He is now a few days away from turning one, and we will be making another 14-hour drive to AZ this weekend. In order to keep him (and let's be real - me) entertained, I devised a "snacktion plan" that involves, well, you guessed it, a ton of snacks. I wouldn't say these are healthy options, but hey, at least we aren't eating cheetos & twinkies right?

Quick shout to Costco for letting me anxiously wander the aisles trying to figure out mom-and-dad-and-baby friendly snack options. The vast majority of this box came from that beautiful, big box store that I love so much.

1. Various Granola Bars - Z-Bars, Larabars, Nutrigrain Bars, Kind Bars, and Clif Bars all made the cut. Granola bars are pantry staples right now and we had a plethora of options to choose from at any given time.

2. Trail Mix - We jam packed two sandwich-sized ziploc bags full of traditional and "island style" trail mix (you know, the one with the yogurt and cranberries) for this trip. The smaller bags save space and allow us to diversify the box better. This is a "parent only" snack for this trip.

3. Nuts - Self-explanatory, right? We often buy the big jars of nuts from, you guessed it, Costco. For this trip we put some into a smaller ziploc bag. Again, this one is for mom & dad only.

4. Cheerios - After our son upgraded from puffs, we switched to cheerios. We got two HUGE bags from Costco a few months ago and are still working on them!

5. Pouches - I accidentally bought all applesauce pouches rather than the organic fruit/veggie blends we typically get, but our kid still sucks these down in record time.

6. Meat Sticks - Hello again, Costco. Thank you for your delicious individually packed meat sticks that I love oh so much. (Mom & Dad only, yet again).

7. Protein Cookies - If we are being honest, I would rather have a real cookie any day over these. However, for some reason I feel better about eating these? And they don't crumble as easily as my homemade cookies typically do. And these hit the spot when you need a sweet treat.

Along with these snacks we will have string cheese, pre-cut strawberries, blueberries, milk and waters in our yeti ice chest that we keep in the cab of the truck with us.

And *obviously* our son will not be partaking in all of this snacky deliciousness, but I wanted to include everything we packed for the three of us.


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